Who made this website?
Can I hire you to represent me?
Is the information on this website legal advice?
Actually, no. The information on this website is not legal advice and is not intended to be a substitute for legal advice. I strongly suggest you talk to an immigration lawyer if you are seeking to obtain an immigration benefit in the United States.
Is this site updated regularly?
Where Can I Find More Information?
For information about the site’s Privacy Policy or Terms of Use you can check those pages. To contact the webmaster you can use this link.
The contents of this website are attorney advertising and is not legal advice. Please review the terms linked above and this Legal Notice before using this website.
Why Does This Site Exist?
I’m not sure. I was going to use it to organize all my templates and research from over the years but I’ve been too busy to ever dedicate time to doing so. Maybe one day I will.
Is this website soliciting business or advertising for services?
This site is neither soliciting business nor advertising for any service providers. This site is just a place where information is shared and where people can ask questions. We do not represent people. We do not put people in contact with legal representatives. There are no advertisements and no money is made from this site.
Take down ________ or else!
If you think that I have taken some of your copyrighted work and displayed it on this website without providing you proper compensation then you can submit a copyright claim asking that it be removed. It is unlikely that this would happen since I always get permission before sharing other people’s content on this site, but it is not impossible.
If you submit a claim then the content will be removed immediately or you will be credited if you prefer. To make a request to have content removed, use this Content Removal Request Form.
[If you are a copyright troll running a mill in a small office above a pizzeria in Switzerland planning to send a letter threatening litigation and demanding hundreds of thousands of dollars in licensing fees for an image that was never even used on this free website, then click here.]
Who Made This Site?
An immigration lawyer located in New York (as you may have guessed from the site’s name). If you want to know more for some reason, you can learn about Joseph Caraccio on this biographical page.
Can I have permission to share content from this site?
Sure. So long as you aren’t selling it or using it for any other commercial purpose. You don’t even need to contact me if you provide a link to this site with the content and credit nyvisalawyer.com. If you really want to let me know or if you need written permission then you can use use the form on the contact page or you can contact me by email at contact[@]nyvisalawyer.com.