A subtitle for a blog post
If you need to emphasize a link you can use this (text-emphasis:triangle hotpink;).
But if you need to highlight a couple of words then you can use this to emphasize it ( class = “.highlight-this” ).
If it’s a whole line then you can do it like this I suppose using .highlight-line
For text that is not selectable.
For a funky shaped aside thingy with a black border and a small but strong shadow. It’s class is “.funky-aside” for css style sheet.
Hover over for alternate aside with no shadow, which is obviously “.funky-aside:hover”
Here is some body text that is just doing its thing so you can see the aside that is located to the right of this body text. Yeah, it’s kinda crazy that I’m writing this but maybe you will see that beautiful aside and it will be worth while.
I said maybe. Hey, you can’t call me lazy.
Google Personalized Search2>
<!-- paste anywhere in the <body> section. -->
< script async src="https://cse.google.com/cse.js?cx=009160918146265702882:j0umonsssyo">
< div class="gcse-search"> < /div>
Search the site
<!-- paste anywhere in the <body> section. -->
< script async src="https://cse.google.com/cse.js?cx=009160918146265702882:j0umonsssyo">
< div class="gcse-search"> < /div>